THE CW Advisors scholar’s PROGRAM
Shaping the Next Generation of Financial Experts
Most students, especially at the high school level, do not have the opportunity to learn the basic concepts of wealth management. Participants in the CW Advisors Scholars Program, facilitated at the high school and collegiate level, delve into the various components of the business through project-based work and engagement with our financial advisors and investment team.

Program Takeaways
As a participant in the CW Advisors Scholars Program, you'll gain insights into wealth management, forge valuable connections, and cultivate skills that will help propel your career forward.

Gain Unique Exposure
We are dedicated to assisting CW Advisors Scholars on their journey to financial literacy. Our program gives CW Advisors Scholars a path to learn both about wealth management and the responsibilities of being a young working professional. CW Advisors provides participants with the opportunity to augment their studies or already existing professional experience with unique exposure into aspects of wealth management, including business development, financial planning, investment oversight, compliance, and operations.
Get Hands-On Experience
Within the modern educational framework, students are far too often expected to have a clear and specific idea of their professional aspirations before they even understand what’s involved in various professional fields. At CWA, we believe that students can only gain meaningful insight through hands-on experience. For students interested in wealth management (or even for those who don’t quite know what they’d like to do), the CW Advisors Scholars experience is exceptional. Our program provides select candidates with real-world exposure to financial advising through participation and contribution to the mission and processes of CWA. Our goal is to ensure that this immersive experience provides candidates with the foundational tools necessary to achieve success in their future professions – whatever they may be – as well as in their own financial lives.
Launch Successful Careers
Bringing with them the specific, collaborative skills that they sharpened as CW Advisors Scholars, our former interns have gone on to embark on successful careers in the financial industry and in a variety of other professional endeavors. They have taken their place as representatives in the next- generation, educated workforce. CWA is proud to offer its Scholars this vital starting point from which to launch into the financial arena, or any career path they choose.